How to Care for Your Tyres

How often do you inspect your tyres? Regular inspection of your tyres is one of the most important things that we often ignore all the time. The medicine of satisfactory mileage & performance of your vehicle is monthly inspections for proper inflation, even tread wear and damage. Otherwise, the road trip will become a stressful journey for you. If you want to make your drive safe & stress-free then, read this blog carefully and follow all the tips mention for taking care of tyres.

Let’s have a look at the ways of inspection for Tyres

The Selection of Right Tyre Pressure-

The selection of Tyres Pressure mainly depends on how you use the vehicle. If you use your car for general driving then, you should follow the recommended tyre pressure. In case, you use your vehicle for off-roading or heavy transport you need to adjust the tyre pressure accordingly. The more load means that there is more need to increase the tyre pressure. Based on the conditions you have to tackle in the future, you need to increase the tyre pressure.

For example- Sand driving needs low tyre pressure as compare to rock crawling.

Maintain Proper Inflation pressure in Your Tyres–

The tyres deflate over time and due to this, it’s essential to keep the right pressure of air in your tyres. You can also set an alarm or reminder to check the air pressure of tyres monthly. Make sure to check the tyre pressure when they are cold & they can be cool off using a tyre pressure gauge.

Cleaning of Tyres-

Clean tyres ensure easier inspection regularly and make sure to scrub your tyres at the end. It becomes easier to find out the damage & uneven wear after they get dry. If you want to give your tyres a shine or make them just like new branded then, apply some tyre shine to gel to them.

Checking Tread Depth-

The deemed roadworthy tyres required to have a minimum of 1.5mm of tread depth across the tyre. If the tyre crosses it’s a legal limit or reaches to 3 mm of tread depth then, it’s wet weather & braking performance will tremendously reduce. Therefore, take the ruler & then check the tread depth. If it shows that it has increased the maximum mileage then, you should replace it.

Always Use Torch-

Never forget to use torch while inspecting the tyres of your vehicle. Through torch, you can easily find out the spots & uneven wear on the tyres.

Looking for Leaks-

Most of the slow leaks will not alarm you unless it is something serious. However, through soapy water, you can easily find out the spot. Now you have to mix up the dishwashing or car wash detergent with warm water. After this, part of the soapy water mixes over on each area of the tyre. You are required to drive forward or backward a few meters to rotate the tyres to check them all. In case, the area gets to bubble this means that there is leakage. The tread of the tyres is a common crack due to its old age. This is the most common cause of leaks.

Valves & Caps-

The little metal or plastic tops on your tires are significant in keeping any water or other unfamiliar substances out of your tires. Make sure to have a cap on each tyre valve while inspecting your tyres. In case you’re missing one, discuss with your vehicle maker or visit your favoured car parts shop to purchase another one.

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