A regular check on your tyres will help you in a longer run. Car tyres are a major deciding factor of the comfort and safety of the drive. Tyres are the only elements of a car which stay in direct contact with the surface of the road. Therefore, it is necessary for you to know when to replace them. For a safe drive, it is essential to keep your tyres in good condition.

Tyres are responsible for the safe and smooth handling and braking of the car. In fact, tyres also decide the cost of running the vehicle. If you are facing issues with road grip, braking, and vibration, you must replace the tyres immediately. Mentioned below are the few regular checks you need to perform to ensure safety while driving.
Tread depth
All tyres come with a Tread Depth Indicator which gives you an estimate of the life of a tyre. This indicator is in the form of small rubber blocks on the surface of the tyre. As wearing of the tyre takes place, the small rubber blocks get closer to the surface. If you ever happen to see these rubber blocks completely stuck to the surface, you must go for a replacement. We would suggest you replace the tyres as soon as the tread depth comes down to 2m. Therefore tread depth is the best way to find out the life of a tyre.
Uneven wear
Uneven wear is a common problem that can occur due to wrong wheel-alignment. It can also take place because of under or overinflated tyres. Make sure you are regularly inspecting the whole surface of the tyre. To check if there is any uneven wear, ensure that you inspect the outer edges of the tyre as well. Front tyres can experience higher wear as compared to rear tyres in a front-wheel drive car. However, a timely swapping of the front and rear tyres can prevent uneven wear. That can be done only when the size of tyres is the same on both the back and front sides.
Old age
If your tyres have been resting on a car for more than five years, you certainly need to get rid of them. Even if you haven’t driven around your car as much, replacing car tyres is still essential. A tyre holds moisture and oils which are necessary for a smooth and safe drive. With the course of time, these oils dry out, and the tyres become unfit for the road. If you live in a city with a hot climate, tyres might deteriorate sooner than the mentioned time span.
Replace full set
For better balance and road grip, we recommend you to replace all four sets of the tyres at the same time. Make sure that you know if there is any particular direction of rotations for your tyres. Uneven tyres might cause a significant discomfort during your drive. Hence ensure that you replace the entire set of tyres instead of replacing individual tyres.
Choose the right tyre
If you want to ensure full safety, you must choose the right size of tyres. Most people end up taking a size here or there while replacing tyres. That can affect the rotation of the tyres, and you might have to get the rim size changed. Make sure your current tyres with the same size of tyres.